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Our Curriculum

Year 5


Class Teachers: Mr Wrankmore
Teaching Assistant: Mr Adam Bickerdike

Year 5 will also be taught by Mrs Wilton on Friday afternoons and Mrs Prattent will teach music on a Tuesday afternoon.

Adam Bickerdike has worked at Spring Bank for several years and has developed excellent working relationships with children across the school.

Mr Wrankmore has worked at Spring Bank for many years. He is the Year 5 teacher and also the PE and History coordinator.  

Guided Reading Homework:

Reading homework is set by the teacher every week after our guided reading lesson on a Tuesday. The children need to complete the reading and comprehension questions in the reading journal provided and bring it back to school ready for the next guided reading session. 

Library Day:

Our library day is Wednesday. Children can change the book they have chosen every week, if they choose to.

PE Lessons:

Year 5 have PE on Monday and Thursday each week. Please ensure that your child comes to school in the correct PE kit on these days. Please can children who have long hair ensure it is tied back.

Acceptable PE kit:

  • blue/black shorts or jogging bottoms
  • white t-shirt
  • running trainers
  • blue/black sweatshirt or hoodie for outdoors

Helpful Websites:

TTRockstars - Develop instant recall skills and compete in battles with other classes! Rock on and learn those Times Tables!

Hit The Button - We all love to play this game and try to break our perfect score record every day! You can also work on basic number facts and Times Tables to your heart's content!

Spelling Shed - Play set games to help you master all of those tricky spellings. Be a Spelling Superstar!

Purple Mash - Login to Purple Mash at home and take advantage of all the games across the curriculum which can help you brush up on things we have done or get ahead on what is coming up later in the year!

Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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